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J.J ECC83S 电子管
The JJ 12AX7S is considered to be one of the best for guitar and hi fi applications. They simply sound better in most guitar amps than the other new 12AX7s. Most players prefer them for their warm sparkly sound. These tubes are immediately discernable from other 12AX7s. They have a construction that is similar to a frame-grid tube - similar to the Telefunken ECC803s. This construction makes them very rugged and reliable and the spiral filament makes tube hum non-existent.. This is one of the best new 12AX7s for any guitar amp. It is very musical - rich with great harmonics. An excellent tube in all Marshall amps in the three preamp positions. The JJ's break up much more smoothly, giving you a huge “sweet spot” and a smoother, singing tone. The ECC83S is great tube with a tight low end, a very natural and harmonically complex mid with VERY good definition and a sweet high end that is not brittle. These tubes have very low microphonics and are great in the gain stages of high gain amps like Marshalls, Mesa's and Peaveys.
JJ 的前身就是欧洲发烧管老厂牌 TESLA。因为捷克共和国于分裂成捷克与斯洛伐克两个国家,身处于斯洛伐克境内的TESLA就刚好重组,更名为JJ
JJ 积累几十年生产经验与不断创新,已成为欧洲现存最大的电子管生产厂商,其产品一直处于业内领先水平,质量普受消费者好评。
公司地址: 广州市越秀区中山五路219号中旅商业城5楼B6-B7档 邮编:510100 客服时间:9:30-18:30
电话:020-83376152 传真: 020-83368023 E-mail: liteaudio@163.com
571845055 936397427 571845055 936397427 liteaudio@live.cn liteaudio@live.cn
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